commercial building with natural design patterns

Natural Design Ideas for Your Home or Office

In Decorative by PWF Operations

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Design is constantly changing, with new trends coming and going each season. One way to refresh your home or office is by incorporating natural design elements. Not to mention, natural design can also improve the atmosphere of a space, giving it a more calming, earthy feel. From waiting rooms to hotel lobbies and master bedrooms, the environment directly affects the mood of visitors and occupants. These natural design ideas will upgrade your space, whether you want to improve the ambiance or aesthetics. 

Add Plants or a Hydroponic Garden 

One way to instantly incorporate more natural design elements into your space is by adding plants. Houseplants add a pop of color to otherwise plain areas and act as a natural purifier to remove toxins and other harmful pollutants floating about. Plus, with so many different plants available, part of the fun is picking out which type you want for your space. 

Hydroponic gardens are grown indoors without using any soil. Starting a hydroponic garden isn’t as complicated as it sounds, either. For as little as $100, you can be on your way to growing your own herbs from the comfort of your home. Office buildings with dining facilities can benefit from having their own hydroponic garden as well. Hydroponic gardens are a way to give your space a natural design element while improving sustainability.  

Use 3M DI-NOC Architectural Finishes to Mimic Natural Materials

While using natural materials is a great option, it can be expensive and impractical for some applications. With 3M DI-NOC Architectural Finishes, you can mimic the look of natural materials such as cotton, leather, bamboo, cork, and wood. They’re made of more affordable yet sustainable synthetical materials, so they offer a nature-inspired look for less.

DI-NOC Architectural Finishes simply adhere to existing surfaces, creating less waste. Not only are they a cost-effective option, but their discreet application process also requires little to no downtime when installed by a professional. Mixing and matching or combining natural elements can create different styles based on the look you’re trying to achieve. For instance, dark wood and leather might work better for an industrial design style, while bamboo and cork have a much lighter feel. 

Imitate Natural Patterns & Save Energy with Window Film 

While sustainable materials are a great way to incorporate natural design, there’s an option that can also save energy: window film. Window film is an eco-friendly solution that improves the insulating properties of glass windows and doors. Not only will this enhanced efficiency help reduce wasted energy, but it will also help lower utility bills. 

Decorative window film comes in a wide variety of opacities, designs, and colors, so you can find the perfect option for your space. Window film can imitate the look of natural patterns, whether it’s wood, bamboo, or greenery. It’s incredibly versatile, meaning you can use it anywhere from glass conference room walls to bathrooms to storefronts. Decorative film also adds privacy, so you can hide unsightly areas or hold a meeting without worrying about onlookers. 

Why Add Window Film?

  • Get a Natural Look for Less 
  • Improves Energy Efficiency for Cost Savings 
  • Blocks Harmful UV Rays
  • Minimizes Annoying Glare
  • Can Enhance Privacy & Security 

Invest in Window Film & Architectural Finishes for Your Home or Business 

Whether you’re trying to brighten up your foyer or make your office space more comfortable for employees, window film and architectural finishes add a natural design element to your home or business. Ready to get started? Speak to one of our window film experts today!

Pittsburgh Window Film remains the most trusted name in window film in the Pittsburgh, PA, area since 1975. Our company was started by 3M to provide products from their Energy Control Products division. Over 40 years later, Pittsburgh Window Film is now an independent corporation and one of the longest-standing 3M Premier Elite Window Film Dealers. Our window films address a variety of concerns, including temperature control, fading, glare, privacy, security, and decorative aesthetics. Contact us for a free quote.

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